Sidebar view

The sidebar view has 2 columns, a wide one and a smaller one on the right.

Screenshot of the sidebar view Screenshot of the sidebar view used for the energy dashboard.

This view doesn’t have support for badges.

You can set if a card should be placed in the main (left) column of the sidebar column (right), by selecting the arrow right or left arrow in the bar underneath the card.

Screenshot showing how to move a card between sidebar and main view Screenshot showing how to move a card between sidebar and main view.

On mobile, all cards are rendered in 1 column and kept in the order of the cards in the config.

View config:

Configuration Variables

type string Required


Cards config:

Configuration Variables

view_layout.position string (Optional)

The position of the card, main or sidebar


The position of the card is configured using YAML with the view_layout option:

type: sidebar
  - type: entities
      - media_player.lounge_room
      position: sidebar