Automation conditions
Conditions are an optional part of an automation rule. They can be used to prevent the automation’s actions from being run. After a triggerA trigger is a set of values or conditions of a platform that are defined to cause an automation to run. [Learn more] occurred, all conditions will be checked. If any of them do not return true, the automation will stop executing.
Conditions look very similar to triggers, but they are very different — a trigger will look at events happening in the system, while a condition only looks at how the system looks right now. A trigger can observe that a switch is being turned on. A condition can only see if a switch is currently on or off.
The available conditions for an automation are the same as for the script syntax so see that page for a full list of available conditions.
Example of using condition:
- alias: "Turn on office lights"
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.office_motion_sensor
to: "on"
- or:
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sun.sun
attribute: elevation
below: 4
- condition: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.office_lux_sensor
below: 10
- action: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.office_lights
The condition
option of an automation, also accepts a single condition template directly. For example:
- alias: "Turn on office lights"
- platform: state
entity_id: sensor.office_motion_sensor
to: "on"
condition: "{{ state_attr('sun.sun', 'elevation') < 4 }}"
- action: scene.turn_on
entity_id: scene.office_lights