0.76: Auth almost done, FleetGo, PJLink, RMV public transport



This release has a migration, initial startup can take ~20 minutes (depends on size DB)

This release includes a database migration to allow us to store context in the database. This will make it possible in the future to introduce attribution. For example, we’ll be able to say which user opened the garage door or which automation triggered the party mode at 3am.

The auth system is entering release candidate status 🎉. If nothing major is found, it will be enabled by default starting the next release (0.77) with backwards compatibility modus turned on. If you want to get ahead of the pack, you can already easily enable it now:

  # add this part
   - type: homeassistant
   # uncomment this to enable backwards compatible API password support
   # - type: legacy_api_password

For iOS users, your frontend should be a lot faster. We had an issue that forced us to serve the frontend in compatibility mode, which is slower. We haven’t been able to solve the issue, but found a workaround. Race on 🏎.

Warning. If you are using the internal MQTT broker, we’ve had to make a change how the password is set. In the past it would automatically start the broker with the user homeassistant and a password equal to the API password. This is no longer the case and you need to configure it yourself now:

  password: mypass

New Platforms

New Features

  • Add and restore context in recorder (@balloob - #15859) (new-feature)

Release 0.76.1 - August 19

Release 0.76.2 - August 21

If you need help…

…don’t hesitate to use our very active forums or join us for a little chat. The release notes have comments enabled but it’s preferred if you use the former communication channels. Thanks.

Reporting Issues

Experiencing issues introduced by this release? Please report them in our issue tracker. Make sure to fill in all fields of the issue template.

Backward-incompatible changes

  • Keenetic NDMS: user needs to have access to the TelNet interface (@foxel - #15511) (device_tracker docs) (breaking change)
  • openweathermap: wind speed is now correctly in km/h (fixes #15710) (@fabaff - #15740) (weather.openweathermap docs) (breaking change)
  • Remove Telstra notifiy component: This API has been decommissioned on the 31st of May 2018 by Telstra (@dgomes - #15757) (notify docs) (breaking change)
  • deCONZ - support for power plugs. Power plugs that are of type “On/Off plug-in unit” and “Smart plug” (Osram and Innr among others) will now be switches instead of lights. Entities will be found as switch.entity_id instead of light.entity_id. (@Kane610 - #15752) (deconz docs) (light.deconz docs) (switch.deconz docs) (breaking change) (new-platform)
  • HTTP: Make sure use_x_forward_for and trusted_proxies must be configured together (@awarecan - #15804) (http docs) (breaking change)
  • Velbus: Backward-incompatible changes include auto-discovery support so that you don’t need to specify modules manually anymore in the configuration file, but just load the velbus component which will automatically load the switch and binary_sensor platforms. In addition, the fan and light platforms are removed since these should be modeled with template platform based on velbus switches. (@thomasdelaet - #13742) (velbus docs) (binary_sensor.velbus docs) (switch.velbus docs) (breaking change)
  • Facebox: Events are no longer fired when a face is taught, as these are unnecessary and the info they convey is already in the logs. (@robmarkcole - #15439) (image_processing.facebox docs) (breaking change)
  • AMCrest switch: Fix for multiple camera switches naming of entity. May change switch entity_id. Please check your automation and update the identity-id if you have previously assigned a name to your camera as it appends the name of the camera to the switch id. (@rafale77 - #14028) (switch.amcrest docs) (breaking change)
  • MQTT embedded broker will no longer rely on HTTP API password to automatically configure itself. You need to set own password. (@awarecan - #15929) (mqtt docs) (breaking change) (beta fix)
  • Remove remote.API from core.Config. Might break custom components if they rely on hass.config.api (@awarecan - #15951) (http docs) (breaking change) (beta fix)

Beta Fixes

All changes