Persistent Notification

The persistent_notification integration can be used to show a notification on the frontend that has to be dismissed by the user.


Persistent notification triggers enable automations to be triggered when persistent notifications are updated. Triggers can be limited to a specific notification by providing an ID for notification_id, or when this value is omitted the automation will trigger for any notification ID. If no update_type is provided, the automation will trigger for the following update types: added, removed, updated, or current. By providing one or more of these values to the update_type option, the automation triggers only on these update_type events.

Review the Automating Home Assistant getting started guide on automations or the Automation documentation for full details.

An example of a persistent notification trigger in YAML:

  - trigger:
      - platform: persistent_notification
        # Optional. Possible values: added, removed, updated, current
          - added
          - removed
        # Optional.
        notification_id: invalid_config

See Automation Trigger Variables: Persistent Notification for additional trigger data available for conditions or actions.


The persistent_notification.create action takes in message, title, and notification_id.

Data attribute Optional Description
message no Body of the notification. Accepts templates.
title yes Title of the notification. Accepts templates.
notification_id yes If notification_id is given, it will overwrite the notification if there already was a notification with that ID.

Here is how an action of your automation setup with static content could look like.

  action: persistent_notification.create
    message: "Your message goes here"
    title: "Custom subject"

If you want to show some runtime information, you have to use templates.

  action: persistent_notification.create
    title: >
      Thermostat is {{ state_attr('climate.thermostat', 'hvac_action') }}
    message: "Temperature {{ state_attr('climate.thermostat', 'current_temperature') }}"

The persistent_notification.dismiss action requires a notification_id.

Data attribute Optional Description
notification_id no the notification_id is required to identify the notification that should be removed.

This action allows you to remove a notifications by script or automation.

  action: persistent_notification.dismiss
    notification_id: "1234"

The persistent_notification.dismiss_all action allows you to remove all notifications.

  action: persistent_notification.dismiss_all

Markdown support

The message attribute supports the Markdown formatting syntax. Some examples are:

Type Message
Headline 1 # Headline
Headline 2 ## Headline
Newline \n
Bold **My bold text**
Italic *My italic text*
Link [Link](
Image ![image](/local/my_image.jpg)


/local/ in this context refers to the .homeassistant/www/ folder.

Create a persistent notification

Choose the Actions tab from the Developer Tools sidebar item, then select the persistent_notification.create action from the Action dropdown. Enter something like the sample below into the data field and press the Perform action button.

  "notification_id": "1234",
  "title": "Sample notification",
  "message": "This is a sample text."

This will create the notification entry shown above.

Use as a notifier

Persistent notifications can also be used as a pre-configured notifier for the Notify integration if that integration is loaded. It is available as notify.persistent_notification. This enables it to be used with features that require a notifier like Notify Groups or the Alert integration.

The following attributes can be placed inside data for extended functionality.

Data attribute Optional Description
notification_id yes If notification_id is given, it will overwrite the notification if there already was a notification with that ID.