
This integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more] allows you to send messages to matrix rooms, as well as to react to messages in matrix rooms. Reacting to commands is accomplished by firing an event when one of the configured commands is triggered.

There is currently support for the following device types within Home Assistant:


To enable the Matrix integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. [Learn more], add it to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file. After changing the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file, restart Home Assistant to apply the changes. The integration is now shown on the integrations page under Settings > Devices & services. Its entities are listed on the integration card itself and on the Entities tab.

# Example configuration.yaml entry
  username: ""
  password: supersecurepassword
    - ""
    - word: my_command
      name: my_command

Configuration Variables

username string Required

The matrix username that Home Assistant should use to log in. Note: You must specify a full matrix ID here, including the homeserver domain, e.g., ‘’. Please note also that the ‘@’ character has a special meaning in YAML, so this must always be given in quotes.

password string Required

The password for your Matrix account.

homeserver string Required

The full URL for your homeserver. If you use the default homeserver, this is ‘’.

verify_ssl string (Optional, default: true)

Verify the homeservers certificate.

rooms string (Optional, default: empty)

The list of rooms that the bot should join and listen for commands (see below) in. While you can limit the list of rooms that a certain command applies to on a per-command basis (see below), you must still list all rooms here that commands should be received in. Rooms can be given either by their internal ID (e.g., ‘!’) or any of their aliases (e.g., ‘’).

commands map (Optional, default: empty)

A list of commands that the bot should listen for. If a command is triggered (via its word or expression, see below), an event is fired that you can handle using automations. Every command consists of these possible configuration options:

word string (Optional)

Specifies a word that the bot should listen for. If you specify ‘my_command’ here, the bot will react to any message starting with ‘!my_command’.

expression string (Optional)

Specifies a regular expression (in Python regexp syntax) that the bot should listen to. The bot will react to any message that matches the regular expression.

name string Required

The name of the command. This will be an attribute of the event that is fired when this command triggers.

rooms string (Optional, default: empty)

A list of rooms that the bot should listen for this command in. If this is not given, the rooms list from the main configuration is used. Please note that every room in this list must also be in the main room configuration.


In order to prevent infinite loops when reacting to commands, you have to use a separate account for the Matrix integration.

Event data

If a command is triggered, a matrix_command event is fired. The event contains the name of the command in the name field.

If the command is a word command, the data field contains a list of the command’s arguments, i.e., everything that stood behind the word, split at spaces. If the command is an expression command, the data field contains the group dictionary of the regular expression that matched the message.

Comprehensive Configuration Example

This example also uses the matrix notify platform.

# The Matrix integration
  username: ""
  password: supersecurepassword
    - ""
    - ""
    - word: testword
      name: testword
        - ""
    - expression: "My name is (?P<name>.*)"
      name: introduction

  - name: matrix_notify
    platform: matrix
    default_room: ""

  - alias: 'React to !testword'
      platform: event
      event_type: matrix_command
        command: testword
      action: notify.matrix_notify
        message: "It looks like you wrote !testword"
  - alias: 'React to an introduction'
      platform: event
      event_type: matrix_command
        command: introduction
      action: notify.matrix_notify
        message: "Hello {{['name']}}"

This configuration will:

  • Listen for “!testword” in the room “” (and only) there. If such a message is encountered, it will answer with “It looks like you wrote !testword” into the “” channel.
  • Listen in both rooms for any message matching “My name is ” and answer with “Hello ” into “”.


The matrix platform allows you to deliver notifications from Home Assistant to a Matrix room. Rooms can be both direct as well as group chats.

To enable Matrix notifications in your installation, you first need to configure the Matrix integration. Then, add the following to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry
    platform: matrix
    default_room: ROOM_ID_OR_ALIAS

Configuration Variables

name string (Optional, default: notify)

Setting the optional parameter name allows multiple notifiers to be created. The notifier will bind to the notify.NOTIFIER_NAME action.

default_room string Required

The room all messages will be sent to, when no other target is given.

The target room has to be precreated, the room id can be obtained from the rooms settings dialog. Rooms by default have a canonical id of the form "!<randomid>:homeserver.tld", but can also be allocated aliases like "#roomname:homeserver.tld". Make sure to use quotes around the room id or alias to escape special characters (!, and #) in YAML. The notifying account may need to be invited to the room, depending on the individual rooms policies.

To use notifications, please see the getting started with automation page.

Message formats

Matrix supports sending messages using a limited HTML subset. To specify the message format, add it in the notification data.

Supported formats are: text (default), and html.

# Example of notification as HTML
  action: notify.matrix_notify
    message: >-
      <h1>Hello, world!</h1>
      format: "html"

Images in notification

It is possible to send images with notifications. To do so, add a list of paths in the notification data.

# Example of notification with images
  action: notify.matrix_notify
    message: "Test with images"
        - /path/to/picture.jpg


If you need to include a file from an external folder in your notifications, you will have to list the source folder as allowed.

    - /tmp