Home Assistant at PyCon US 2017


In just 12 hours PyCon US 2017 starts. This is an exciting conference because there will be a bunch of Home Assistant developers and users there being able to meet in person.

Just like last year, we’ll be hosting a Home Assistant Open Space. Please stop by to ask any questions you have to the available developers. We haven’t reserved a slot yet but will do so tomorrow. We’ll update this post and announce it on social media as we know time and location. First open-space will be Friday at 4pm in room B112.

We will also be taken part in the development sprints from Monday-Wednesday. You only need to bring a laptop. We’ll help you get set up with a dev environment and you can be coding on top of Home Assistant in no time. Exact location inside the conference center to be announced. We are sitting in room A108.

On a final note, the Home Assistant community is very very active so don’t take it personal if we don’t remember your name, issue or contribution.