
The twilio integration enables the sending of notifications via SMS and the creation of calls with Twilio.

A free trial account is available at Twilio website providing free calls to verified phone numbers. Calls are limited to 10 minutes and will play a short trial message before your message runs. Upgraded accounts have no limitation.


To use this notification integration in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI. [Learn more] file:

# Example configuration.yaml entry

Configuration Variables

account_sid string Required

Your Twilio Account SID which can be found in your console. It starts with the letters AC.

auth_token string Required

Your Twilio AUTH TOKEN which can be found in your console. It should be directly under where you found the account_sid.


After configuring the base Twilio integration, add and configure either or both of the Twilio SMS and Twilio Phone integrations to utilize the notification functionality.

To be able to receive events from Twilio, your Home Assistant instance needs to be accessible from the web and you need to have the external URL configured in Home Assistant.

To set it up, go to the integrations page in the configuration screen and find Twilio. Click on configure. Follow the instructions on the screen to configure Twilio.

You will get a URL of the following format: https://<home-assistant-domain>/api/webhook/9940e99a26fae4dcf6fe0a478124b6b58b578ea4c55c9a584beb1c9f5057bb91. To generate inbound events, you have to configure your webhooks with Twilio:

  • Go to your Twilio console.
  • Under phone numbers > manage > active numbers > (select number) > configure.
  • Paste your URL in the webhook URL box for A call comes in and A message comes in and save.

Events coming in from Twilio will be available as events in Home Assistant and are fired as twilio_data_received. The data specified by Twilio will be available as the event data. You can use this event to trigger automations.

Here is an example:

    platform: event
    event_type: twilio_data_received
      From: '+1XXXXXXXXXXX'
      To: '+1YYYYYYYYYYY'
      CallStatus: ringing
      Direction: inbound
    action: cover.open_cover
      entity_id: cover.garage_door

The above opens the garage door when the number +1XXXXXXXXXXX calls +1YYYYYYYYYYY (considering that +1YYYYYYYYYYY is one of your numbers registered in Twilio).

An example of an SMS handler:

alias: Twilio incoming
  - platform: event
    event_type: twilio_data_received
  - variables:
      sender: |
        {{ }}
      message: |
        {{ }}
  - action: notify.persistent_notification
      message: |
        incoming twilio message from {{sender}}: {{ message }}
        all event data: {{ }}